1. 首页 > ps教程 > ps如何自定义形状制作吊牌签名(ps如何自定义形状制作吊牌签名文字)


本文主要为大家介绍How to customize the shape of PS to make a tag signature (How to customize the shape of PS to make a tag signature text),下面一起来看看具体内容吧。


How to customize the shape of PS to make a tag signature (How to customize the shape of PS to make a tag signature text)



How to customize the shape of PS to make a tag signature (How to customize the shape of PS to make a tag signature text)

How to customize the shape of PS to make a tag signature (How to customize the shape of PS to make a tag signature text)


How to customize the shape of PS to make a tag signature (How to customize the shape of PS to make a tag signature text)

How to customize the shape of PS to make a tag signature (How to customize the shape of PS to make a tag signature text)


How to customize the shape of PS to make a tag signature (How to customize the shape of PS to make a tag signature text)

How to customize the shape of PS to make a tag signature (How to customize the shape of PS to make a tag signature text)

按照上面的方法去除多于背景,用椭圆工具在图层上画一个圆,然后删除,就是一个小洞,然后在图层上画一个自定义图形,进行选区,然后按ctrl+j 复制。

How to customize the shape of PS to make a tag signature (How to customize the shape of PS to make a tag signature text)

How to customize the shape of PS to make a tag signature (How to customize the shape of PS to make a tag signature text)


How to customize the shape of PS to make a tag signature (How to customize the shape of PS to make a tag signature text)

How to customize the shape of PS to make a tag signature (How to customize the shape of PS to make a tag signature text)


关于How to customize the shape of PS to make a tag signature (How to customize the shape of PS to make a tag signature text)的介绍到这里就结束了,了解更多办公软件知识可以收藏我们的网站,我们将为你提供更多精彩内容。


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