1. 首页 > ps教程 > ps如何多次使用自由变换调整图形颜色(ps如何多次使用自由变换调整图形角度)


本文主要为大家介绍How to adjust the color of graphics using free transformation multiple ps (How to adjust the angle of graphics using free transformation multiple ps),下面一起来看看具体内容吧。



How to adjust the color of graphics using free transformation multiple ps (How to adjust the angle of graphics using free transformation multiple ps)2。选中椭圆选区,然后减去选区,画出人物的嘴巴,用红色填充颜色,然后选择crl+T自由变换,再执行shift+alt+crl+t再次实现自由变换。然后将角色旋转到合适的位置,

How to adjust the color of graphics using free transformation multiple ps (How to adjust the angle of graphics using free transformation multiple ps)


How to adjust the color of graphics using free transformation multiple ps (How to adjust the angle of graphics using free transformation multiple ps)4。新建图层,选中椭圆选区,然后按鼠标绘制选区,

How to adjust the color of graphics using free transformation multiple ps (How to adjust the angle of graphics using free transformation multiple ps)5,编辑,描边,填充色为蓝色,

How to adjust the color of graphics using free transformation multiple ps (How to adjust the angle of graphics using free transformation multiple ps)6。选择Control Deformation ,然后按鼠标,固定控制点,然后调整到合适的位置

How to adjust the color of graphics using free transformation multiple ps (How to adjust the angle of graphics using free transformation multiple ps)7。调整好后按回车键,发现变形后的图片不是很漂亮。所以选择椭圆形,

How to adjust the color of graphics using free transformation multiple ps (How to adjust the angle of graphics using free transformation multiple ps)

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